
Meet Amy

Hi there! My name is Amy & I am a SAHM to three beautiful and crazy wee ones, one boy & two girls, ages 8, 4 and 12 months & a wife to "The Husband" for 9 years. We live in beautiful mid coast Maine. I deeply love my family & the nuttiness they bring into my world.

Sweet Little L, Little Man N & Baby M
Photos taken by Caitlyn Barker


  Between running after little ones, changing diapers, making desserts for our two restaurants, and keeping up with the laundry, I love to be creative. I have an inner desire to be creative & to learn all things crafty. I sew & craft as often as I can. I also love to bake.
  I am a bit of a girly-girl. However, I don't mind getting my hands dirty in the garden. Lover of all things that are feminine (lace, ruffles, flowers, anything frilly and  soft).  Being from Maine doesn't mean that I want to look as if I stepped out of an LL Bean catalog.  I love the color pink and any/all colors that look like they belong on an Easter egg. 
   I started this blog as a way to help record my ideas and creations as well as share moments about my family and friends and, more than likely, rant a bit about everyday things.  Because after all, I don't live in or pretend to live in the fantasy world of "Motherhood Bliss".  I am a real mother with real children who can be incredibly aggravating, dramatic, and let's face it,             annoying.  Nothing sugar coated here. 
Sweet Little L
  I am hoping to inspire just as I have been incredibly inspired by other blogs and the amazing women that post on them.

  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me:

               Thanks for stopping by!