
Friday, January 28, 2011

Here I Go, Ready or Not...My Very First Post

So, here it first post into this crazy world of blogging.   I think my first few posts will mostly contain my frustrating attempts at navigating into this blogging thing.  I am not, by any means, overly savvy when it comes to the world of modern technology.  Yet, here I am attempting.  I am hoping, after giving it a few goes, to start posting my works in progress, tutorials and a bit more about myself, my world and all the craziness that comes with it.  If you have stumbled upon these pages, WELCOME and thank you for visiting. Oh, and enter at your own risk.  I fear  there may be a few *bleep-ity bleep* moments while I struggle to find my way about. 

Yikes!  Here it goes!  I am about to hit the "Publish Post" key.  May the force be with me.  After I finally hit that taunting "Publish Post" key, I am going to pat myself on the back, do a victory dance and do some high-5's to the air all around me!


  1. I hope you have a big glass of wine as well!! Congratulations, you did it!!! Good for you, I'm so in awwww of all the beautiful things you make! your wonderful!

  2. Love this blog Amy! Thanks for the invite. I will continue to come the pictures and your blog color pallet

  3. Visiting from MamaKat's. I love it when I find a new blog. I started mine this Jan. too. I really like your colors and format. I can't stop messing around with mine. It's what draws me in and want to learn more and I like what I've found here. I'll be back :)
