
Thursday, February 24, 2011

So much to do, So much to do!!!!!

I have so much that I want to accomplish by the end of the weekend.  It involves endless amounts of sewing and crocheting/knitting.  Oh, not to mention that  both restaurants need more desserts!  Did I mention that I have 3 children that I have to entertain while attempting to cross off items from my very long to do list?

Let's list:

(1)  create items to stock up my Etsy store

(2) sew curtains for my french doors, entryway door, kitchen window
(this will be put on the bottom of the list)

(3) make requested whoopee pies for the "Only Men Annual Ice Fishing Trip"  aka smelly men acting disgusting, drinking waaaaaay too much beer, cussing, behaving like small boys, freezing their biscuits off trip.  Not my idea of a good time but, hey, I don't have to go and husband stays out of my hair.
On these annual trips, something always dramatic happens like...trailer hitched onto back of a truck flying off the truck that is carrying snowmobiles, four wheelers, and other supplies.

(4)  make  skirts, skirts skirts for my sweet girls.  My 4 year- old has been demanding skirts in every color.  Therefore, I am going to try my best, to sew one or two skirts a week to meet her demands.  :)

(5)  finish mom's very belated birthday gift(s)

(6)  make a little something for a special auntie in Texas

(7)  desserts for our restaurants, which by the way take FOREVER!!!!!  Especially on short notice.

(8) some housework somewhere along the way

(9)  clean out backroom in order to re-do for son's new bedroom

(10)  make pajama bottoms for my three bundles of joy.  They are growing fast and furious! All of Little Man N's current pj bottoms look like he is wearing clam diggers!

I'll stop there for now because "time's a wastin'".

If you don't hear from me in a couple of days, send out the search and rescue party.  I may be buried under mounds of fabric and flour and unable to find my way out!

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