
Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Wee-ist is 11 months old

My wee-ist, Baby M, is already 11months old.  How did the time pass so quickly?
Total craziness!

Because she, as well as my other two wee ones, have been feeling funky, the photos that I took of her are not so "happy & fun".
She really wanted no part of it.  She also didn't enjoy sitting on the grass.
She kind of  freaked out about that. 
I could hardly get her to look at me and the camera at all. 
But, here she is, all 11months of her.
So round and beautiful with a big personality.

My computer has been behaving wonky, hence, the reason for the lack of posting.
I'm not sure if it's the wi-fi thing or Blogger or my computer getting ready to blow up. I am thinking a combination of everything is happening with this darn thing.
So incredibly irritating.
I am hoping to have it repaired this week so that I am able to post a tutorial without it taking me all day to upload a single pic.
Is it just me, or does it seem to take forever to upload a simple photo while using Blogger?

My 4-year old is screaming for me which means my blogging time is officially over.  With her screaming she has disrupted the baby's napping.

Happy Thursday!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Girly's & Their Skirty's

I have been in a sewing frenzy making clothing for me wee ones.  My 4-year old is fixated on skirts/dresses so I have been going all out getting a bunch made for the spring & summer months. 

Here are just a few that I have made over the last few weeks...  


This happens to be one of my FAVORITES!  So, so cute!
I just love the ruffle on the bottom of the skirt!
Underneath this adorable skirt is a pair of skorts.

I followed the Little Ruffle Skirt Pattern tweaking it here & there.
She is able to wear a skirt & play & not have to worry about her undies being revealed.
So fantastic!

Next up...

A sweet little double layer skirt perfect for twirling.  This lovely, beauty has a ribbon drawstring that pulls up the top layer to reveal more of the bottom layer which gives it a bit more "oomph".
 So sweet!

She loves it!

The perfect twirling skirt.

I followed a pattern from Little Lizard King called the Peek-A-Boo Skirt.  I had to tweak this one a little bit as well. 

Here, Baby M is wearing the same style double layer skirt, but the photos are horrible.  I will have to try another day to get a better photo.  She just wasn't in a willing mood on this particular day.

Baby M sporting a simple peasant dress/shirt using a pattern from Leila & Ben.
Super easy & quick.  And, I love how you can really make this pattern your own by altering/cutting/piecing different fabrics.  I just opted  for plain & simple this time.  I may go back & gussy it up a bit with some fabric flowers, ruffles, and/or lace. 
It's also a bit too big for her right now.  Therefore, it looks a bit like a potato sack on her.  Oh well, she'll grow into it.

I have a few more skirts that I am working on for my girls.  I hope to have them finished by the weekend.  I really must start working on some things for my Little Man N.
I feel as if he is being shafted.

Happy Thursday!


Proudly linking up to some fab parties!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More Happy Mail!

Look what arrived in my mailbox today...

I am super, super excited!
It's a Singer Side Cutter Attachment!
It's suppose to sew and serge and I cannot wait to give this thing a test drive!
I dream of owning a serger, but it's not in my budget at this time.  Ho hum.
I saw this attachment and thought what the heck.  Let's try it out.
I will be sure to give a thorough review soon!  Maybe, even by tomorrow if my wee girls play nice and let me play in my sewing room.

Happy Wednesday!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh, How I Love....

Oh, how I love big, boxy brown trucks and the brown uniformed men/women that drive these marvelous vehicles to deliver incredibly happy, happy mail.

This is what appeared on my doorstep last week.

I have been wishing and hoping for a dress form for soooooo long & now, I have one!

Woot!  Woot!
I am just so darn giddy! 
Finally, something for just me.
Now to find the time to make something for myself.
I am thinking "she" needs a name.
Hmmmmm....what to name "her".
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Have You Visited "Pick Your Plum"?

Have you visited "Pick Your Plum" yet?
If not, you NEED to!

It's a "get it before your neighbor does"online crafty store.  Every morning at 7am they list an item at a crazy low cost.  Supplies are limited so you have to get there fast, fast, fast!  

I just ordered myself one of these fab-o items...

Magnetic chalk board offered at Pick Your Plum

Only $3.50!!!!!!  It was 71% off the original price!  Unbelievable! 
I cannot wait to receive it in the mail.
How happy I shall be to
 receive some Happy Mail!

Because of many unforeseen circumstances, my blogging has been a wee bit non-existent.
But, I promise to get my rear back into gear.
I have lots to "show-and-tell"!

      Happy Monday!