
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh, How I Love....

Oh, how I love big, boxy brown trucks and the brown uniformed men/women that drive these marvelous vehicles to deliver incredibly happy, happy mail.

This is what appeared on my doorstep last week.

I have been wishing and hoping for a dress form for soooooo long & now, I have one!

Woot!  Woot!
I am just so darn giddy! 
Finally, something for just me.
Now to find the time to make something for myself.
I am thinking "she" needs a name.
Hmmmmm....what to name "her".
Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. If one comes up with the best name for the Lady form, will you make them something? Because I think it should have three names: Looks Like Grummie!!!

    Let me know if my names are used. Love ya, Mother
