
Thursday, June 23, 2011

It Was Like Giving Birth to a Pony!!

My wee-ist turned "1" today.
I still cannot get over how big she was at birth.
I mean, seriously, it was like giving birth to a pony!
I am not joking!

And I delivered her O-Natural with no drugs.
What was I thinking??
It was a tough pregnancy.
 An even tougher delivery.
She has had an uphill battle with a birthing injury and she has fought bravely and ferociously.
That is her personality.
A fighter!
Very LOUD!
My little fire cracker.

She also has a personality that can brighten your worst day and have you smiling and laughing the moment you meet her.
She is truly amazing.
How much I love this little one.

Happy 1st Birthday Beautiful Baby M!
Happy Thursday!


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