
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Camping Wasn't a Total a Bust...Just a Mini-Bust

The pesky seagull that stole fishing bait then was hooked & reeled in by Little Man N

Although, our camping trip wasn't a total bust, I have vowed to
never, never,
go on another camping trip with a wee one in diapers, toddlers or with very small children.

I predicted that the trip would not go smoothly, but my husband thought otherwise
and, well,
I agreed to partake in his crazy idea
even if only to prove a point.

That point being that camping is not for BABIES!!
Especially tenting out!

A very puffy Baby M

What is especially surprising, now that all is said & done,
 is that
the husband agrees with me!


I truly love to go camping, but put very small children into the mix
not my idea of a good time.

Rather challenging & not overly relaxing.

Let's see...
prior to us leaving Baby M had a terrible allergic reaction to penicillin and broke out, head to toes, with hives.
She was incredibly red, puffy, swollen, itchy & uncomfortable.
It looked as if she was punched in the face!
Her entire body was covered!

So pathetic & sad.

She also was cutting teeth so that added to her misery.

Our first day was pretty great.
Fantastic weather, beach, locating the trail head, campfire
all that fun camping stuff.

Even the nasty mosquitoes the size of your head couldn't crush our excitement to be away from all things "civilized".

Then, the next day, after being promised by the ding dong weatherman for a sunny weekend,
And lots of them.

Sweet Little L's signature pose!

We managed to get a nice long hike in & when I say "long"
I am not over exaggerating.  
May I offer a bit of advice to all you lovely ladies?

Don't ever,
allow your husband to interpret

when children are involved
in the adventure!

We also were able to get another visit to the beach for some wake boarding
skin boarding

baby grew puffier

Baby M eating sand

the rain.

And, well, that sealed the deal for us
to pack up
head home.

I couldn't be more excited!

I told the husband that
he is more than welcome to take the older wee ones camping,
the babe & I are

Sweet Little L napping in tent after our hike

I hope you all had an enjoyable & adventurous
 Fourth of July!

Happy Wednesday!


1 comment:

  1. I so hear you on this camping thing. Ours was a bust too...for different reasons though. It was crazy hot here in California...and we just couldn't stand it after 1 day.
    Our daughter was ok running into the woods and playing with the dirt whole day though.
