
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Petal Pillow

               A long while back, a friend of mine gave me oodles of white fabric of all different weights and textures.  And when I say oodles, I am talking yards upon yards...FOR FREE!    I actually used the fabric to decorate my daughter's fairy birthday party back in October to only be piled up again in my sewing room after the event.  It has been taunting me and beckoning me, just waiting for me to do something with it.   Therefore, I have been finding ways to make use of some of it. 
    I decided to dye a few yards of a satin fabric a very pale pink as well as dying some silk material the same color.  I made a simple tablecloth with the satin material for Valentine's Day.  And, with the silky material , I made this...

                                        I just love it! 

 It oozes with frilly-ness and girly-girl.  Stuff that I go crazy for.   I actually made a similar one as a birthday gift a while back for a very special friend of my son's and knew that I must make some for myself.  Also, after seeing & hearing all of the reaction's from the other mom's, I knew it was a hit, not just for the gift receiver, but a hit with all of them.  Yay for me!  It's always a bit nerve rattling giving gifts to people that you have personally handmade.  You know?

       I was inspired by this pillow here.  Some of the most lovely and beautiful things created with fabric are displayed on this site.    I love visiting V and Co.  and admiring Vanessa's creativity and work.  It is so visually appealing.  You can totally see the passion she has for what she is doing.  She truly is inspiring.

             For the petal pillow, except for a couple minor modifications, I pretty much followed the instructions given to make this super-awesome pillow.  The modifications that I did were to add a fusible lite weight interfacing to each of the pillow pieces. Because of the fabric's delicate nature, I felt it needed a little more stability while sewing it together.  Because it wil be going into my daughter's bedroom, I felt it would also need a bit more durability.
                             In addition to, I opted to make a fabric flower and fabric covered button for the center of my felt flower instead of a felt round. 

                       A very simple & fun project!  I can't wait to make more...but before I can make more beautiful pillows, I must tackle 60 book bags for my son's 2nd grade class.  And that's a whole other posting!!

Transformation Thursday
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  1. That is darling!!
    PS - I'm a Mainer (at heart) too! Go Maine! :)

  2. Beautiful! I used that same tutorial to make one from felt. I've wanted to make another but just haven't been to the fabric store to buy more felt. I love the idea of using interfacing and not having to use felt.
    So glad I saw this!!

  3. One word !!! Beautiful, I love it!!!!! you did such a great job!!

  4. That is one gorgeous pillow. I love it. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks so much.

  5. I love it! I am also a fan of things that ooze frilly and girliness :)

  6. ohhh, that pillow is gorgeous! So soft and feminine and pretty, I love it!!!

  7. So soft and beautiful! I love the pillow... You are very brave to take on such a large task of making 60 book bags. Sheesh. You get mother of the year award. I found your blog on the etsy success page! I would love it if you would check out my blog as well!
    Thanks <3

  8. I also made this ruffled pillow. I love the design. I used wool felt and hand stitched it. I had fun with it and love the results. I really like your finishing touches with the button in the middle. Lovely work!

  9. Really nice. It would make a perfect gift for my cousin. I have to start making her some gifts for when she moves out this fall. Thank you for sharing.

  10. This is gorgeous!!! Here’s a party if you would like to link up…

  11. Oh I just love this pillow as well! So elegant!

