
Friday, February 18, 2011

A Sunshine-y, Popsicle-y Kind of Day!

     Here in Maine, for the past couple of days, it has felt like a mini heat wave!  A whopping 45 degrees and I am cracking the windows open and I seem to  have a little more pep in my walk!  All this sunshine and the warmer temps make me smile a bit more knowing that this crummy, long winter will be passing soon. 


It just feels like a

 popsicle-y kind of day!

                                                          Is there really anything
                                                                 better than that?

Well...maybe there is something just a little bit better than popsicles on a

sunshine-y, winter day...

and that little something would be a grumpy, teething baby finally sleeping.

Now, off to tackle the project that has been looming over my head while enjoying the sunshine...

    that being to sew velcro onto 60 bookbags for my son's 2nd grade class.       


  1. Fun pics, we've had some sunshine the last couple of days but they're predicting more snow at the beginning of next week.

  2. Hi there! Found you via Etsy Success team. Glad you are enjoying blogging, it surely is soo much fun! Im off to check out your shop. Happy Saturday, stay warm!
