
Friday, March 11, 2011

In-Between the Barfing...

The last couple of weeks have been me mostly covered in barf, poop, and tears.  All of my wee ones have been sick with whatever nastiness that people are seemingly wanting to share with us.  I am all about sharing, but seriously, keep your nasty/disgusting germs to yourselves.
To add to all the craziness, my Dad had a heart attack and miraculously is still here to tell about it.

With all of this going on, I was able to get a bit of sewing done.  I will post more about the projects and possibly a tutorial or two once things settle down a bit more. 

First Up:

Plump baby booty + cloth diaper= VERY plump baby booty

Being a cloth diapering mama means finding pants to fit Baby M's rotund  booty to be rather hard.  What happens is that I put pants on her that are a size or two bigger to accommodate her plump booty, then the leg length is obnoxiously long & requires lots of folding of the cuffs.  ICK!
I followed pattern that you can find here with a few minor mods.
Made By Rae is awesome!

I also made Baby M
a pair of sweet little  
baby legs

I made Little Man N & Sweet Little L pajama bottoms.  Two pairs for each of them (but only showing 2 of the 4 pairs)...

I love how Little Man is sporting his new pair of kicks along with his pajama bottoms.  A definite fashion statement.

An apron skirt for Sweet Little L...

And finally, a few things for my really cool Mom:

 Mom, if you happen to be reading this post,  when you get these, just act surprised, okay?

I made her a simple tote that I stenciled using a paper doily,

a gathered clutch that I, mostly, followed here, but I modified a wee bit

and a little pouch that could hold either her digital camera, iPod or phone.

I am also going to add to her gift pack a case to carry her glasses, a pen holder and a key fob.

I also have started preparations for my son's 8th Birthday Bash.  Here is the invite that I made:

I just took a close-up photo a few of my son's Lego pieces using orange construction paper as the background and then used a fantastic site called Picnik
to add the wording and editing options.  I then had them printed at Target.  Easy-peasy, nice & cheesy, lemon squeezy!  (A little something my little buggers like to say.)

I got the idea from a few different places when I was poking around the web looking for some cool ideas for his birthday.  I will link to them once I locate them.

When things begin to finally settle down a little here, I am hoping to post more  with better descriptions and some tutorials. 

Have a great weekend!


Proudly linking up to:
Bubbly NaturePhotobucketFancy ThisBWS tips buttonTip Junkie handmade projects


  1. Aww, I feel for you! And, I know what it's like to need to get away (by crafting and sewing)...I have four kids. I love your projects. The bags are sooo great! Hope things will be better next week.

  2. Love the gathered clutch! Soooo cute!!

  3. Such cute projects! Love the cashmere baby legs, can't wait to see how you did it. Thanks for linking up this weekend!

  4. That set you made for your mother is SO cute!!! We featured it today from the Fancy This Fridays link up! :) Hope you'll check it out and grab a featured button!

  5. This is a "bit" of sewing?!
    You did all this with sick kids?!?

    What are you, some kind of sewing superhero?!?!

    ;) good job!
