
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Repurposed Windowpane to Towel Rack

I am so thrilled at how this turned out! 
My husband & I have been remodeling our upstairs bathroom. He wanted to purchase a generic towel rack & I  thought  to myself, "I can do better than some crummy, generic, overpriced thing!"
I took this old windowpane....

that had been painted black and put a couple of coats of white paint on it. 

After painting it white, I then sanded it down to scuff it up a bit, which  allowed for some of the black to peak through.  I didn't want the towel rack to look so bright and shiny.  I wanted a more vintage-y feel to it.

Next, I cut out a piece of cardboard to fit the window- pane and then wrapped fabric around the cardboard.  I just taped the fabric to the backside with masking tape and then placed the fabric covered cardboard into the windowpane.  I then taped the fabric covered cardboard to the backside of the windowpane(along the edges) to help keep it placed inside the panes. 
( I forgot to take photos of that step, but I think it's pretty clear what I am trying to explain..if not, message me & I'll try to better explain or take a photo of what I am trying to say for you.)

I finally added a few glass knobs that were originally on something else that was not getting much use.

And there you have it! 

And one of the greatest things about making this little project...
it cost me next to NADA!

The windowpane was a find on the side of the road a long while back, the glass knobs were attached to something that was given to me and the paint is something that we seem to always have on hand because of all the remodeling being done to our home!


Thanks for visiting!

I will be linking this post to these super-cool parties!


  1. What a great idea! I love how you used door knobs for the towel hooks, great idea!

    Can't wait to see more of your bathroom remodel. Will you be posting before and after photos?

  2. So Clever! It is so cute! I am so going to do this! Thanks!

  3. That look's just fabulous ! What a great idea !
    I love recycling,reducing ,reusing &rethinking too!It's so much fun to see what we can come up with rather then buying some crapping thing that is mass produced .I love unique one of a kind creations. well done !
    Sherrie from Aus at Simpleliving :)

  4. Love it! Looks great, and the cost can't be beat!

  5. And I followed your blog - looks like it's going to be lots of fun ideas going on :)

  6. I just found your blog and am your newest follower. This is SO COOL! I love the idea of using an old window as a towel rack and the fabric is lovely. I can't wait to see how your whole room comes together.

  7. This is beautiful! I love how it turned out :)


  8. Gorgeous!! I LOVE repurposing items, and it just so happens that I have an antique window pane that I've been mulling over. THIS is an inspiration! Thank you :-)

  9. I love, love, love this!! The colors, the repurposing...everything!

  10. Ummmm....I LOVE this! What a great idea! I am now a follower :)


  11. Fantastic job!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  12. I love this!! I also have a couple of windows I picked up on the side of the road. I will try this!!!

  13. That is GORGEOUS!!! We drove past some window panes yesterday for big item pickup, and I couldn't convince dh to stop and let me have a peek at them. Now I am KICKING myself! lol

  14. Super cute! What a fun idea! Thanks so much for linking up to my Catch a Glimpse party! :)

  15. LOVE IT!!!...I love old windows too...take a peek at my blog and you'll see...follow along if you'd like...thanks for sharing and Happy Monday, Mariaelena

  16. LOVE IT! I have the perfect window to do this to. Thanks for the tutorial!

  17. This is so cute! My husband came home from the dump ( can you tell Im from Maine too!? ) :) with a window just like that!! I cant wait to try it!

  18. Great idea!!! It looks so classy! :) Love the knobs! Thanks for sharing on Fancy This Fridays!!!

  19. I featured your window pane on my blog, I hope that's ok with you, I'm making mine tomorrow, thanks!!!

  20. I did a similar idea but kept the distressed look of the window and left the back open. I added a towel rack with star accents and hung a small wreath in the middle. I am currently setting up my blog for decorating ideas such as this. I have about 4 or 5 more ideas for windows and also for other "Trash to treasure" items such as old shutters, pew bench etc....I will send you the link once it is set up and would love to post your link.
    The window looks great!!
