
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Look Out Etsy...Here I Come!!!

Yikes!  I did it!

I finally listed a couple of things for my Etsy store & now my stomach is flip flopping.

I feel like vomiting.  What the heck?!
I can sew and well, I am quite good at it.
I sew all the time for family & friends, heck, I have even sold items at craft fairs & have been hired out to make items.
Then why am I FREAKING OUT??

The thought of failing or disappointing or being criticized
probably sums it up.

Time to climb that mountain & get over it!
Off I go...climbing, climbing, climbing!

Happy Wednesday!


Just when I didn't think my day couldn't get any better...
I noticed that I was featured on another blog for my Petal Pillow!

How cool!!

Thank you Jonie Marie!
I also won a spring craft contest on Wikia for my Re-purposed Windowpane to Towel Rack!
Wow!  Wow!!  Wow!!!

**I would list more items if my flipping computer would operate properly!***
**still having technical difficulties with this darn computer/internet service!**

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