
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pillow Fight-For a Cause

I am super excited to be posting about this fun Pillow Contest over at Ladybird Ln.
Every month, Carlee & Alyssa feature a charity, service organization, or project to spotlight during the month.
During the month of June they are doing a contest called, Pillow Fight--For a Cause to help an amazing,  beautiful & very talented young lady named Malynn.
Malynn is 14 years old & has spent many months inside a hospital.  She has made it her goal to donate 100 bright & cheerful pillow cases  to Primary Childrens Medical Center to brighten up the patients rooms.
Malynn thought it was helpful to have her own  pillowcase during her hospital stay.  It helped her feel more at home  &  made the room more cheerful & she wanted  to share that with other patients.

Ladybird Ln has come up with a super-cool contest to help Malynn and her goal of 100 pillowcases & it is called Pillow Fight-For a Cause!
You create a pillow, any kind of pillow, enter it & the best pillow wins.  With every entry that you enter into the contest, you must donate a handmade pillowcase for Malynn's cause.
Easy, fun & great prizes for the lucky winners.
Most importantly, you will be contributing to an amazing effort.

So, get over to Ladybird Ln & join in on the fun!

Use my easy pillowcase tutorial & get donating, Ladies!!

Happy Thursday!!

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